Macro-lot A
A 14- Sanitary plumbing (Main building - Annexe building)
Macro-lot C
C-13- Heavy current electricity (Main building)
C 12- Weak current (IT, telephones, cable television) - Main building
C 16- Electronic security (video surveillance, access control) - Main building
C 15- Fire safety, monitoring - Main building
C 18- Centralised technical management - Main building
Macro-lot D
D 11- HVAC (air conditioning, ventilation, smoke extraction and air renewal) - Main building - Annexe building ventilation, smoke extraction and air renewal) - Main building - Annex building
ORANGE GUINÉE BISSAU- Macro-lot A PS- Macro-lot C ECF, CF, SE, SIA,GTC-Macro-lot D D 11- HVAC